Honesty is very important in life. In some cases being honest can really make an impact on an event that may happen. Someone could have lost a special piece of jewelry, you could have seen it, but maybe you didn’t want to say anything. The person who lost this piece of jewelry could be extremely disappointed. Not being honest can also make you feel guilty, feeling guilty isn’t a good feeling at all. Being honest means owning up and telling someone what you did wrong, it could also be doing something right. Things like constructive criticism is being honest about a piece of work and giving someone feedback, telling the truth about taking cookies from your cousin is being honest, telling a person how you feel about them like if you love them or not is also being honest. Being honest is hard sometimes, especially when you really don’t want to tell the truth. Maybe you forgot to do something that your parent told you to, and you don’t want to tell them you forgot to do it, you would be scared of the consequences you would face, right? Honestly, me too. Sometimes being honest can make your mom or dad forgive you though, so it’s best to be honest.
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